In Icelandic
- Mannlegi þátturinn – 21.12.2021
- The human element in the board of Gunnar Hansson and Guðrún Gunnarsdóttir on channel 1 on RÚV, Berglindi Rós Magnúsdóttir talked about her research on the love of leading women and what it means to be a digital immigrant in the virtual reality that prevails in the love scene.
- Framakonur í leit að annars konar ást – 28.11.2021
- Lestin – 3.11.2021
- How is the courtship of divorced leading women in Iceland today, how do the women who are considered to be the best in society experience and should be able to enjoy love on an equal basis.
- Efnið og sköpunarkrafturinn – Fjallkonan og snillingarnir – 17.6.2021
- Stéttaaðgreining eykst á höfuðborgarsvæðinu – „Himinn og haf“ á milli ákveðinna skólahverfa – 21.12.2020
- Class distinction between school districts examined in a theoretical way in Icelandic urban society.
- Arkitektúr ástarvalsins – 2.11.2020
- Samtal um tilfinningar – 3.5.2020
- About emotions, society and the marketing of love
- Þættir um menntun og framtíðina – 7.10.2018
- What will be the form, content and value of education (for the individual and society) after 20-40 years?
- Ekki náttúran sem virkjar sköpunarkraftinn – 28.02.2018
- Vaxandi stéttamunur birtist í skólunum – 16.02.2018
- Stéttaskipting í kókópöffspakka – 15.2.2018
- Um einkavæðingu menntastofnanna – 5.5.2017
- Meiri eftirspurn eftir sumum börnum og foreldrum – 6.2.2014