Completed dissertations 2009 - 2023
- Becoming at home in a globalised world: Citizenship and inclusion in relation to cultural diversity within the context of Icelandic education
- Eva Harðardóttir [PhD Dissertation]. 2023
- Experience of mothers of Polish origin from low-income households of parental duties in Icelandic compulsory education in the capital area : social class, social and migrant capital
- Joanna Ewa Dominiczak [MA Thesis]. 2023
- Crafting one´s own narrative: High-income immigrant parental choices and practices relative to Icelandic compulsory schooling
- Angela Marie Shapow [MA Thesis]. 2021
- Fathers‘ parental role in their children’s primary school education
- Kolbrún Þórhildur Gunnarsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2021
- Choices and dilemmas – Reproduction of classed and gendered power relations through parental practices
- Auður Magndís Auðardóttir [PhD Dissertation]. 2021
- “I don´t want them to experience the same as me”: working-class mothers: childhood experience, activity and participation in the child’s schooling
- Björk Alfreðsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2021
- Power of love: The idea of romantic love in a cultural and feminist context
- Brynhildur Björnsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2020
- Students with challenging behavior in primary school: impressions and experience of classroom teachers
- Ragna Lára Jakobsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2019
- Professional working conditions in Icelandic upper-secondary schools during the last twenty years: perspectives of teachers and governors
- Ásgerður Bergsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2019
- “We are in a privileged neighborhood”: the working conditions and professional autonomy of teachers in middle class neighborhoods
- Sólveig Edda Ingvarsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2018
- Teacher´s working condition and professional autonomy in schools located in disadvantaged school area in Reykjavik, Iceland
- Jóhanna Sveinbjörnsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2017
- “Between a rock and a sledgehammer”: Teachers‘ experience of obstacles to reach inclusivity at the end of the compulsory school
- Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2017
- Habitus of Icelandic Opera Singers and Experience in the Field of Work
- Ása Fanney Gestsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2017
- “She definitely is ahead of her peers who are still in kindergarten”: parents choosing a privately run elementary school for five year old instead of kindergarten enrollment in their catchment area
- Júlíana Vilhjálmsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2016
- “It is difficult to rhyme it with typical schooling”: Something special for students who do not have access to integrated upper secondary school programs for students with intellectual disabilities
- Helga Þórey Júlíusdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2016
- Teaching Materials on Gender Equality
- Þóra Þorsteinsdóttir [MA Thesis]. 2016
- Mothering practices and collaboration with professionals to secure their autistic children‘s schooling and professional services
- Helga Hafdís Gísladóttir [MA Thesis]. 2015
- East-European middle-class mothering in the Icelandic school context
- Aase Vivaas [MA Thesis]. 2015
- “Aðalmálið var að halda haus”: upplifun sjö til átta ára sveitabarna af heimavistarskóla á sjöunda áratugnum (“The main thing was to keep your head”: the experience of seven- to eight-year-olds from a boarding school in the sixties)
- Sveinbjörg Zophoníasdóttir [BEd Thesis]. 2015
- Lok, lok og læs og allt í stáli : umfjöllun um frjálsan og opinn hugbúnað í skólastarfi (A discussion of free and open source software in schools)
- Sverrir Hrafn Steindórsson [BEd Thesis]. 2015
- Námsframvinda þriggja árganga í Fjölbrautaskóla Suðurlands: í ljósi kenninga um félagasauð (Academic progress of three cohorts at Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands: in the light of theories about social capital)
- Kristjana Sigríður Skúladóttir [MA Thesis]. 2014
- Birtingarmyndir vanrækslu og tilkynningarskylda í grunnskólum (Manifestations of neglect and reporting obligation in primary schools)
- Berglind Dögg Einisdóttir [BEd Thesis]. 2014
- Brúðuleikhús sem námstæki og frásagnaraðferð: átaksverkefni gegn líkamlegu og kynferðislegu ofbeldi gagnvart börnum (Puppet theater as a learning tool and narrative method: an initiative against physical and sexual violence against children)
- Guðrún Edda Bjarnadóttir [BEd Thesis]. 2014
- Hvernig hafa bakgrunns- og áhættuþættir áhrif á atvinnuþáttöku nemenda (How do background and risk factors affect students’ employment)
- Guðrún Markúsdóttir [BEd Thesis]. 2014
- “Þetta er svo mikið strákaveldi”: innsýn í kynjaheima dægurtónlistar á Íslandi (“This is so much boyhood”: an insight into the gender worlds of popular music in Iceland)
- Hildur Vala Einarsdóttir [BEd Thesis]. 2013
- Hegðun nemenda í bekkjarstarfi og orðræður um kyngervi. Fræðileg umfjöllun út frá póststrúktúralísku sjónarhorni (Behavior of students in class and discourse on gender. Theoretical discussion from a post-structuralist perspective)
- Sandra Rut Skúladóttir [BEd Thesis]. 2009
Ongoing dissertation supervisions:
- Kynverund og ástir ungmenna í íslenskum síðnútíma: Orðræða, leikreglur og valdatengsl
- Unnur Edda Garðarsdóttir [PhD Dissertation]
- Immigrant parent involvement in Icelandic schools: Exploring cultural power relations and challenging
the land of educational equality- Elizabeth Lay [PhD Dissertation]