Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir

„Moving in the dark“: Exploring representations of refugee youth through Icelandic public policy documents and teachers narratives

Eva Harðardóttir & Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir. „Moving in the dark“: Exploring representations of refugee youth through Icelandic public policy documents and teachers narratives – Icelandic Review of Politics & Administration, 14(3), 2018 Abstract In spite of the fact that Iceland accepts fewer refugees then other European countries, the number of young refugees in Iceland has […]

„Moving in the dark“: Exploring representations of refugee youth through Icelandic public policy documents and teachers narratives Read More »

Differentiation in middle-class identities, values and repsonses

Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir. Differentiation in middle-class identities, values and repsonses – Global perspectives on education research An important part of being middle-class has been based on having access to exclusive educational and cultural activities. Studies have revealed that the idea of a good school is conflated with its class and ethnic intake where parents tend

Differentiation in middle-class identities, values and repsonses Read More »

Deregulation, privatisation and marketisation of Nordic comprehensive education: social changes reflected in schooling

Dovemark, M., Kosunen, S., Kauko, J., Magnúsdóttir, B., Hansen, P. & Rasmussen, P. Deregulation, privatisation and marketisation of Nordic comprehensive education: social changes reflected in schooling – Education Inquiry The Nordic countries are often perceived as a coherent group representing the Nordic model of welfare states, with a strong emphasis on the public provision of

Deregulation, privatisation and marketisation of Nordic comprehensive education: social changes reflected in schooling Read More »

“Between a rock and a hard place“: Teachers’ experience of professional autonomy for inclusive practice with 14-16 year old students at compulsory school level in Iceland

Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir & Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir. “Between a rock and a hard place“: Teachers’ experience of professional autonomy for inclusive practice with 14-16 year old students at compulsory school level in Iceland – Netla Inclusive education is based on core values of human rights, democracy and equality. The research question is inspired by the authors’

“Between a rock and a hard place“: Teachers’ experience of professional autonomy for inclusive practice with 14-16 year old students at compulsory school level in Iceland Read More »

“Then it is crucial to get some external person with respectability to the meetings”: Mothering practices and collaboration with teachers and professionals to secure their autistic children’s schooling and professional services – Bourdieusian class analysis

Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir, & Helga Hafdís Gísladóttir.  “Then it is crucial to get some external person with respectability to the meetings”: Mothering practices and collaboration with teachers and professionals to secure their autistic children’s schooling and professional services – Bourdieusian class analysis –  Netla In Iceland, social class is an understudied field of research in terms

“Then it is crucial to get some external person with respectability to the meetings”: Mothering practices and collaboration with teachers and professionals to secure their autistic children’s schooling and professional services – Bourdieusian class analysis Read More »

‘Too special’ for the self-contained special-education programs in Icelandic upper-secondary education

Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir, Helga Þórey Júlíusdóttir & Kristín Björnsdóttir. Framhaldsskóli ‘Too special’ for the self-contained special-education programs in Icelandic upper-secondary education – Netla The Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture established a segregated self-contained special education program at the Technical College of Reykjavik (upper-secondary level) in the year 2008. Originally, the program was only

‘Too special’ for the self-contained special-education programs in Icelandic upper-secondary education Read More »

Education for Democracy, Citizenship and Social Justice: The Case of Iceland

Brynja E. Halldórsdóttir, Ólafur Páll Jónsson & Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir. Education for Democracy, Citizenship and Social Justice: The Case of Iceland – The Palgrave International Handbook of Education for Citizenship and Social Justice Iceland has a unique history of democratic tendencies with a colonial twist. It was settled in the ninth century but became a

Education for Democracy, Citizenship and Social Justice: The Case of Iceland Read More »

Spouseless foremothers: Changes in the lives of women after divorce

Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir. Spouseless foremothers: Changes in the lives of women after divorce – Irma Erlingsdóttir, Ragnheiður Kristjánsdóttir, Sigrún Alba Sigurðardóttir og Sólveig Anna Bóasdóttir (Ritstj.), Fléttur IV – Margar myndir ömmu This chapter contains sociological analysis and historical narrative concerning the grandmothers of the author’s father. They were born around 1880, and were in

Spouseless foremothers: Changes in the lives of women after divorce Read More »

School without segregation: Conflicting poles, dominant currents and policies within the field of research

Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir. School without segregation: Conflicting poles, dominant currents and policies within the field of research – Dóra S Bjarnason, Ólafur Páll Jónsson & Hermína Gunnþórsdóttir (Ed.), Skóli margbreytileikans – menntun og manngildi í kjölfar Salamanca In this article, the aim is to provide insight into the different discourse worlds that fall under inclusive

School without segregation: Conflicting poles, dominant currents and policies within the field of research Read More »

Privatization of early childhood education in Iceland

Kristín Dýrfjörð & Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir. Privatization of early childhood education in Iceland – Research in Comparative and International Education The overall aim of this paper is to give a comprehensive picture of the marketization of early childhood education in Iceland. Our theoretical framework is based on Hursh’s (2007) analysis of how the governance of

Privatization of early childhood education in Iceland Read More »